Nuno Maria Melo Pinto Gonçalves

I have been collecting complete matchboxes since mid-sixties, when I received a small matchbox collection from my father's, which I grew slowly until the beginning of the eighties. I pick it again in 2018, upon retirement, being now one of my favourite hobbies.
The collection embraces several themes, including the Aviation theme, of which I present some items here relating to commercial airline companies.
One of the interests of this theme related to matchboxes is the imagination and use which is done by airlines to promote themselves through such a small area like the front of a matchbox or book. It is a case similar to the so called “elevator pitch” in which someone has to present their idea and convincing arguments in a space of time equal to an elevator ride. In this case the airlines have a small rectangle of about 5x3cm to argue and capture a future client.
The selection, grouping and sequence of the items presented here in 12 slides follow a script developed around the airline’s “sales pitch”:
1. The evolution of logos, lettering and sales pitch of some “flag” companies – TAP (1), KLM (2), TWA (3), VARIG (4)
2. Aspirational sales pitch “Come to your dreamland”, or for the more practical “I go this far” – Lufthansa (5) and Quantas (6) cases
3. Competitive sales pitch “Who has the best plane” (7)
4. Comparative sales pitch “What sets me apart from others” (8 to 11)
5. Final knock out argument “There are planes……. and there is Concorde” (12)
For those who like details, I draw your attention to the first slide (1st item on the 2nd line) where the “bird” over the TAP lettering appears inverted.
My congratulations to the Associação Portuguesa de Filumenismo for this further initiative. Looking forward for the next one.

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Tema: Companhias Aéreas
Theme: Airlines

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